Monday, September 28, 2015

Bacha bazi

Bacha bazi is an Afghan word that means boy play where full grown men will sexually abuse young boys. Men will beat these children or even kill them if they do not please the man in whatever way he wants. American soldiers have to put up with the abuse these kids go through because Afghans that are being trained to be soldiers to protect their country bring young boys onto American bases into rooms right next to Americans rooms.
I believe that bacha bazi is just sickening. I would not hesitate one bit to beat the living crap out of an Afghan soldier that was sexually abusing a boy on an American base.  I think that the United States army needs to figure out a better policy than just turning your head and letting it happen. If soldiers are being trained by American forces and are living on American bases, they should have to apply American laws to their everyday lives even if they are not American citizens. I think America needs to enforce better military laws if they want to be able to help the people of a foreign country instead of letting people think their country hasn’t made any progress from the past to the future.