Thursday, December 3, 2015


Government set up a Fake Facebook Page in This Woman’s Name

On July, 28 2010 the government allowed an agent to set up a fake Facebook account using a woman’s seized cell phone and uploaded pictures of her and her niece. Some of the pictures uploaded were racy pictures that she would not of uploaded, but the agent did all of this without the woman even knowing about the whole fake account setup.  These pictures caused her to look skimpy dew to the fact she had short shorts on and a tank top and had her legs spread. When a friend had asked her about the pictures she was uploading she simply said that she had not even created a Facebook account before. I do not agree with what the government did to this lady because of the fact anybody that has an account and has her as a friend can see these private pictures that she probably didn’t want spread all over the internet. I don’t think the government should have such rights to make a fake account using a real persons information and private pictures and be able to get away with such treason just because they work for the government and can say it was for a government project is just ridiculous. This article was written in October, 6 2014 by Chris Hamby.

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