Friday, February 19, 2016

Unit 731 essay

Unit 731
I cannot believe that Japanese doctors and scientist ended up getting away with such inhumane crimes against war. How can people live with themselves after knowing that they had done such horrible torchers to a human? I do not understand how people can be so sick and disturbed in the head to be able to come up with such torchers, like freezing people naked in the cold then hitting them with a bat to make sure that they are frozen all the way. I don’t know about you but to me I find this a disgrace to the United States of America for letting such disgusted projects and testing happen to humans and not put the enforcers of such ideas to an unforgettable execution.

The most disturbing in human torchers that stuck out to me in this horrible article on Unit 731 would have to be cutting bodies open while the human is still alive I mean for goodness sack what would make you want you to do such a thing. Another torcher would have to be cutting off limbs of the humans while they are still alive and then sewing the limbs back onto the human but the limbs are reversed of where they were to begin with, I mean come on, I understand that they wanted to master the creation of biological warfare but couldn’t you do it in more of a humane way, like giving some type of pain medication to the human or even knocking them out over the head with some type of heavy rod. Any of those ideas would be better than giving the all of the human in the experiments the full pain of it. I am glad to hear that biological warfare has been banned because the only way any of these things would be somewhat right if at all would be if you did it to rapist and serial killers but that is a big if. Even then I do not think it is morally correct to launch a full launch of your own modern black plague using specifically specialized bred rates to carry it out on a country is much better. All in all I think I as a country would rather be bombed then have to go through the suffrage of biological warfare and the experiments that took place upon human lives.

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