Monday, May 16, 2016


                I think this quote has a lot of meaning to it in many ways. What do I mean by this you may ask? Well what I mean is that the war took a toll in him mentally and physically it is something that he will never forget, an event that changed his life forever as you would say. This is what I think he met whenever he said this war is over for me now, but it will always be there, the rest of my days. Another thing I think he met by when he said “As I’m sure Elias will be, fighting with Barnes for what Rhah called “possession of my soul.” Is that when he said this he met that Elias and Barnes where fighting over which way he could oversee the war. In Elias’s way of seeing the war is that he could fight to survive yet still be a caring individual that is just doing his duty but at the end of the day you can just relax and wake up that morning and do it all over again. Or you could see the war in a way that Barnes did do whatever it takes to survive rules do not apply in the act of war we will all die but it is the week that will fall in war. If there is a problem of anybody getting in the way of doing your job take the problem out and live on, because this is war not a tea party. This is what I personally think Elias and Barnes where fighting for.
                There are times since; I’ve felt like a child, born of those two fathers. What did Chris mean by this you may ask? Well I think he met as in both of these men where like fathers to him, fathers of war as you could say. These men both taught him the acts of war the acts of war that are need to survive and not to die. As bad as it may say is that they both rubbed off on him in a positive way. They both taught him how to fight with bravery and what kind of attitudes will survive in the jungle. They both taught him that the weak will not make it in a living hell whole but the strong will, if you know what you are fighting for you will have a better chance of living and making it through till you time is up and you can go home. This is what I think he met by this quote, all in all they both rubbed off on him like a father of war. This is what I think this quote met by Chris in the end of the movie platoon when he is flying away in a helicopter that is about to take him home and away from the battle that twisted his head and taught him how to become the great man that he was in Vietnam.

Monday, May 2, 2016


                I believe that the killing of JFK affected the United State drastically. So drastically in fact, that the American people lost their trust in the American government. Because the American government lost the American people’s trust the government lost their innocence. What do I mean by the American government lost their innocence you may ask? I mean that the government was guilty of something whether proven or not. The American people no longer trust the government there for the government will no longer be favored or trusted by the people ever again. Who knows maybe if this would of never of happened we would never had problems with the people being mad at the government for gun control, or maybe the gay rights movement would never of taken place. All I know is that we will never know if life in America would be different if the JFK shootings would have taken place.
                I would say yes, yes the 9/11 incident had a similar effect of the people. Why do I say this you may ask? Well I say this because there are so many unanswered questions about both incidents. Whether it would be why all of these people had to die or why did JFK end up getting shot.  There are also the people that ask the questions like was the government behind 9/11 and the JFK shooting? Did all of this happen just because the government wanted to go into war so they killed a president that didn’t want to go into war so that they could? Did they also bomb the towers and blamed it on the terrorists so that the American people would stand behind President Bush when he would want to go to war? Maybe the American government needs war in order to remain order and to help our government strive? One can only know these questions that people ask themselves one can only know. I do think that the American people blame themselves but not in the way we think. What do I mean by this you may ask yourself? Well let me show you what I think. I think that the American people blame themselves for being so vulnerable to the government. For being so easily led into lies and believing them and then realizing what the government is doing but then it is too late to do anything because the government has already gotten away with it and it is several years too late to bring it up again. So that is my answer when it comes to do the American people blames their selves for thing of these natures.
                When asked who I think killed JFK I can’t give a simple answer. Why would you ask I say this? Well the reason is because I think that Lee Harvey Oswald was part of the killing but I do not think he was the guy that actually shot the killing shot. I think that it was all planned by the government for who knows why? Maybe it was because the he was going to end a war, or maybe it was because he supported blacks and wanted to help them be given civil rights? One will never know why JFK was killed. There is one thing for certain that we do know. What is this you may ask yourself once again? Well we know for a fact that it was a cover up of some sort. Whether or not it was by the government or by some organization or by whomever the heck felt like it we will never fully know. All we know is that the facts are in front of us if it wasn’t a cover up of some sort then why would there be all of these hidden and unanswered questions once again we will never fully understand the answers to the questions that we as the public ask ourselves and the government. So this is why I think that the United States government killed him because every question you ask them about the killing it all goes back to the same answers. So if the government didn’t have a part in killing him then why in the heck wouldn’t they openly give you the truth?  I think that JFK was killed because was too good of a president for the United State. I say because he was probably the perfect definition of a perfect president and the government was scarred of that so they saw an opportunity to take control of the country and they shot him dead.
                No I do not think that the assignation of JFK, RFK, and MLK, all being killed within a few years was all an incident. Why do I say this you may ask? Well I say this because all of these men were trying to make America great again. They all stood for the same things and fought for the same things that they all thought America needed to get passed and move on. They were all trying to make America what it was supposed to be but unfortunately the government didn’t like this at all. So what the government would do next would make the American people furious. The government decided to pick them off one by one by one and that is what I think happened to JFK, RFK, and MLK.